Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age. Some of the common symptoms under PCOS are irregular periods, excess body hair, weight gain, acne etc. You may also feel frustrated and sudden mood swings.

Unfortunately, PCOS cannot be cured but can be controlled and managed by making some lifestyle changes and following a PCOS-friendly diet.

What to eat for PCOS?

Following a fibre and protein-rich diet meets the nutritional needs of the body and helps in maintaining a healthy weight. High-fibre food controls blood sugar level and normalize bowl movements; Protein boosts metabolism and improves your overall body health. Great options for high-fibre food are broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, beans etc and when it comes to proteins, what could be a better source than eggs!

Eggs in PCOS

Eggs provide you with a host of benefits. They are a complete protein and good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which our body need to maintain muscles, eyes, nerves, and tissues. In fact, Omega-2 fatty acid are a PCOS superfood! It improves fertility, regulate hormones helps in reducing the growth of facial hair. 

Another proven key benefit of eating eggs- they are filling and help with the weight management. Research suggests that shedding between 5 to 10 percent of your overall body weight can help you to regularise your periods and relieve some of the symptoms of PCOS. An egg or two a day may help you with your PCOS. So, add into your veggies or make an omelette, eggs could be your perfect meal partner. 


It is not only what you eat but also the quality of your food that determines it impact on your health. Don’t ignore the quality and trust only those brands/shops that offers you natural and chemical-free products.

Eggoz has made it so easy for you to procure UV sanitized eggs fresh from the farm to your nearest retailer. The eggs are all-natural, protein-packed, and chemical-free so you can trust the food you eat. Consumption of all components of a balanced diet in moderation gives you the happiness of your favourite foods and the benefits of all their nutrients.

So don’t sleep on the effect of eggs on your diet and include them in your daily meals today!